Украина USA Ukraine Citizens Украина USA Ukraine

К американцам: Закройте небо. Защитите украинцев от террора. Разве это большая просьба?

And in the end to sum it up.Today it is not enough to be the leader of the nation.Today it takes to be the Leader of the world.

Being the Leader of the world means to be the Leader of Peace.Peace in your country does not depend any more only on you and your people.It depends on those next to you, on those who are strong.Strong does not mean big.

Strong is brave and ready to fight for the life of his citizens and citizens of the world.For human rights, for freedom, for the right to live decently and to die when your time comes, and not when it is wanted by someone else, by your neighbor.Today the Ukrainian people are defending not only Ukraine, we are fighting for the values of Europe and the world sacrificing our lives in the name of the FutureThat’s why today the American people are helping not just Ukraine, but Europe and the world to keep the planet alive, to keep justice in history.Now I am almost 45 years old.

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