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Josip Heit: The Day Against Poverty is a mandate for action

Hunger and poverty are a reality for millions of people around the world — every day. To draw attention to this humanitarian catastrophe, the United Nations has created two international days: World Food Day on 16 October and the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty on 17 October.

On Sunday 17 October 2021, the humanity of our planet thus once again celebrated «Day Against Poverty», which according to the Chairman of the Bord of GSB Group is ostensibly one thing: «A mandate to act!» The World Day to Overcome Poverty dates back to an initiative by the priest Joseph Wresinski and 100,000 other people who gathered in Trocadero Square in Paris on 17 October 1987 to express their «no» to extreme poverty and call on humanity to work

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