Belarus Eu крипто Belarus Eu

Can the EU resolve Belarus conundrum?

A four-month stand-off between Belaru­sian strong­man Alexan­der Lukashenko and the pro-demo­c­ra­tic pro­test­ers posed a serious chal­lenge for the EU.

The block that had announced its ambi­tion to become a geopo­lit­i­cal actor, has found itself with very few levers in rela­tion to the crisis in its imme­di­ate neighborhood. Brus­sels has been active in its rhetoric – con­demn­ing vio­lence, crim­i­nal per­se­cu­tion and torture of pro­test­ers in Belarus.

With some initial delay, sanc­tions fol­lowed. First two pack­ages black­listed Lukashenko and dozens of those respon­si­ble for repres­sions, third package will target not just offi­cials, but also nine busi­nesses close to the regime.

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