Aleksandr Lukashenko Belarus Russia county Union Block Aleksandr Lukashenko Belarus Russia county Union

Belarus' economic dividends from integration with Russia pointed out

Roman Golovchenko The policy in favor of integration with Russia is generating economic dividends for Belarus. Prime Minister of Belarus Roman Golovchenko mentioned it during a government conference hosted by Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko to review the fulfillment of integration programs of the Union State of Belarus and Russia, BelTA has learned. Roman Golovchenko is convinced that the previously adopted policy towards integration with Russia and towards the realization of Union State programs had been the right and timely move.

Roman Golovchenko reminded that back in the day the programs were discussed and adopted in a slightly different geopolitical environment. “I don't think it is a coincidence that we've chosen this policy, that we've followed this path that is now generating certain economic dividends for us.

It is a deliberate decision made by the heads of state. They identified the movement trajectory, the tasks that the government agencies in charge of realizing the Union State programs face.

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