Канада Ukraine Canada технологии lifecell Provident Канада Ukraine Canada
/ hitechexpert.top

Абоненты lifecell в Канаде получили доступ к VoLTE

Впредь, lifecell subscribers in Canada will be able to make voice calls using VoLTE. According to the operator’s statistics, more than 17 thousand of its subscribers have been in Canada since the beginning of 2024.

This is another step towards improving the quality of lifecell customer service abroad. Преимущества VoLTE VoLTE technology is based on 4G instead of traditional 2G and 3G voice networks, which ensures instant connection and high voice quality.

During a VoLTE call, you can simultaneously use 4G high-speed mobile Internet, which will be an advantage for those subscribers who continue to work with data, email, etc.

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