федоров: Последние новости

Vodafone инвестирует 10 миллиардов в развитие технологий

Vodafone Ukraine plans to invest UAH 10 billion in the country’s technological and digital infrastructure in 2024-2025. The intentions to consolidate efforts to develop electronic communications and broadband Internet access services are set out in a memorandum signed by the Ministry of Digital Transformation, the National Commission for the State Regulation of Communications and Information Technology and Vodafone Ukraine.

Cooperation between the state and business

The parties will develop solutions for:

  • expanding mobile coverage and broadband mobile Internet to the population;
  • restoration of the electronic communications infrastructure destroyed as a result of hostilities;
  • ensuring the functioning of electronic communications during wartime and after its termination.

“Cooperation with representatives of the regulator and business is an important step that will allow us to join forces to restore and develop electronic communications. Together we will work to make services as accessible as possible for Ukrainians, ensure sustainable communication and network availability. This is especially important in the context of a full-scale war,” said Mykhailo Федоров, Vice Prime Minister for Innovation, Education, Science and Technology Development, Minister of Digital Transformation.

Investments from Vodafone

In the two years since the full-scale invasion, Vodafone has already invested UAH 9.3 billion in the country’s infrastructure. This is a record amount, exceeding the pre-war investments of 2021. During this time, we managed to bring 900 towns and villages back online.

“Despite the constant damage to the network and the need to repair equipment, we continue to build – 5,500 base stations were put on the air during the active

vodafone федоров

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