Impact Currency - главные новости

22.01 / 08:41
The Language of Kindness
Impact Currency: why Forbes needs new impact investments ratingsImpact Currency builds on this approach. Just like the ranking that counts all asset forms and classes best indicates monetary net worth in the Forbes World’s Billionaires List, a ranking that uses a unified measurement standard to count all forms of impact funding will be most effective to denote benevolent net worth.The «Give While You Live», «The Giving Pledge» and «Impact Investing» initiatives have the same goal of saving the planet but call on the wealthy to take almost contradictory actions.
26.11 / 13:09
криптовалюта Impact Currency: why Forbes needs new impact investments ratings
Expressed as money. Impact Currency will allow us to measure social good in dollars — the language businesspeople are most familiar with. It may be tempting at this point to get distracted by details of calculation methodologies or fanciful possibilities that imagine Impact Currency as bitcoins, currency that is capable of being converted on currency exchanges or for carbon credits, or even currency entitling its holders to unique privileges.