Roman Protasevich - главные новости

07.07 / 10:55
Минтранс США утвердил запрет на продажу билетов на пассажирские рейсы в Белоруссию
© Reuters. A Ryanair aircraft, which was carrying Belarusian opposition blogger and activist Roman Protasevich and diverted to Belarus, where authorities detained him, lands at Vilnius Airport in Vilnius, Lithuania May 23, 2021.
30.06 / 11:07
США запретили продажу билетов на пассажирские рейсы в Белоруссию
© Reuters. FILE PHOTO: A Ryanair aircraft, which was carrying Belarusian opposition blogger and activist Roman Protasevich and diverted to Belarus, where authorities detained him, lands at Vilnius Airport in Vilnius, Lithuania May 23, 2021.
25.06 / 15:58
Власти Белоруссии перевели оппозиционного блогера под домашний арест
© Reuters. Opposition blogger and activist Roman Protasevich, who is accused of participating in an unsanctioned protest at the Kuropaty preserve, waits before the beginning of a court hearing in Minsk, Belarus April 10, 2017.
01.06 / 13:50
Лукашенко говорит, что расследованием дел блогера и россиянки займется Минск
© Reuters. Opposition blogger and activist Roman Protasevich, who is accused of participating in an unsanctioned protest at the Kuropaty preserve, waits before the beginning of a court hearing in Minsk, Belarus April 10, 2017.
31.05 / 10:28
финансы США разрабатывают адресные санкции против чиновников Белоруссии после перехвата самолета Ryanair
© Reuters. FILE PHOTO: A Ryanair aircraft, which was carrying Belarusian opposition blogger and activist Roman Protasevich and diverted to Belarus, where authorities detained him, lands at Vilnius Airport in Vilnius, Lithuania May 23, 2021.
27.05 / 10:20
Шесть членов Совета Безопасности ООН осудили перехват самолета в Белоруссии
© Reuters. FILE PHOTO: A Ryanair aircraft, which was carrying Belarusian opposition blogger and activist Roman Protasevich and diverted to Belarus, where authorities detained him, lands at Vilnius Airport in Vilnius, Lithuania May 23, 2021.
26.05 / 10:47
Авиакомпании меняют маршруты, избегая воздушного пространства Белоруссии
© Reuters. FILE PHOTO: Opposition blogger and activist Roman Protasevich, who is accused of participating in an unsanctioned protest at the Kuropaty preserve, waits before the beginning of a court hearing in Minsk, Belarus April 10, 2017.
25.05 / 14:59
Белоруссия предлагает международным авиавластям расследовать инцидент с самолетом Ryanair
© Reuters. A Ryanair aircraft, which was carrying Belarusian opposition blogger and activist Roman Protasevich and diverted to Belarus, where authorities detained him, lands at Vilnius Airport in Vilnius, Lithuania May 23, 2021.
25.05 / 10:04
Задержанный в Белоруссии блогер появился на видео и сказал, что признается в организации беспорядков
© Reuters. FILE PHOTO: Opposition blogger and activist Roman Protasevich, who is accused of participating in an unsanctioned protest at the Kuropaty preserve, waits before the beginning of a court hearing in Minsk, Belarus April 10, 2017.
24.05 / 19:02
Лидеры ЕС грозят ограничить полеты над Белоруссией после "акта государственного пиратства"
© Reuters. Opposition blogger and activist Roman Protasevich, who is accused of participating in an unsanctioned protest at the Kuropaty preserve, waits before the beginning of a court hearing in Minsk, Belarus April 10, 2017.
24.05 / 16:53
Польша предложит ЕС приостановить авиасообщение с Белоруссией
© Reuters. Supporters of Belarusian opposition blogger and activist Roman Protasevich wait for the arrival of a Ryanair flight after it was diverted to Belarus at Vilnius Airport in Vilnius, Lithuania May 23, 2021.
24.05 / 16:53
Литва просит граждан вернуться из Белоруссии, воздержаться от поездок в страну
© Reuters. An animated graphic shows the flightpath of Ryanair Flight 4978, flying from Athens to Vilnius and carrying Belarusian opposition activist and blogger Roman Protasevich, diverting and landing in Minsk, Belarus May 23, 2021.
24.05 / 14:36
Прокуратура Польши проведет расследование вынужденной посадки самолета Ryanair в Минске
© Reuters. A Ryanair aircraft, which was carrying Belarusian opposition blogger and activist Roman Protasevich and diverted to Belarus, where authorities detained him, lands at Vilnius Airport in Vilnius, Lithuania May 23, 2021.
24.05 / 12:27
Полеты над Белоруссией необходимо прекратить после "воздушного пиратства" -- член парламента Британии
© Reuters. A Ryanair aircraft, which was carrying Belarusian opposition blogger and activist Roman Protasevich and diverted to Belarus, where authorities detained him, lands at Vilnius Airport in Vilnius, Lithuania May 23, 2021.
24.05 / 12:26
Boeing Приготовиться к посадке: момент, когда белорусский журналист понял, что время на исходе
© Reuters. A Ryanair aircraft, which was carrying Belarusian opposition blogger and activist Roman Protasevich and diverted to Belarus, where authorities detained him, lands at Vilnius Airport in Vilnius, Lithuania May 23, 2021.
24.05 / 11:11
Университет в Вильнюсе сообщил о задержании студентки при посадке в Минске
© Reuters. A Ryanair aircraft, which was carrying Belarusian opposition blogger and activist Roman Protasevich and diverted to Belarus, where authorities detained him, lands at Vilnius Airport in Vilnius, Lithuania May 23, 2021.
24.05 / 10:33
Facebook В экстренно приземлившемся самолете в Минске задержали объявленного террористом блогера - правозащитники
© Reuters. A Ryanair aircraft, which was carrying Belarusian opposition blogger and activist Roman Protasevich and diverted to Belarus, where authorities detained him, lands at Vilnius Airport in Vilnius, Lithuania May 23, 2021.