Nikolai Karpenkov - главные новости

04.05 / 13:10
MET Deputy Interior Minister: “We Will Win This War, President Is With Us, God Is With Us”
Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Belarus and Commander of the Internal Troops Nikolai Karpenkov said in an interview with Grigory Azarenok on the STV TV channel that if the opposition crosses the line, the security forces will cross it too. Grigory Azarenok asked Nikolai Karpenkov to comment on the recently released video showing blogger Sergei Tikhanovsky at a meeting with Alexander Lukashenko in the KGB pre-trial detention centre, where he said that “after him, there will be questions to Kolya [Lukashenko’s youngest son – Ed.]”. The deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs noted that he has never met “such scumbags, such absolutely arrogant, reckless, bulls” before.
14.11 / 14:26
MET Lukashenko briefed on operational situation in Belarus
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko met with the Internal Affairs Ministry officials to receive a report on the operational situation in the country and the development of the agency, BelTA has learned. The keynote speaker was Internal Affairs Minister Ivan Kubrakov. Attending the meeting were also State Secretary of the Security Council Aleksandr Volfovich and Deputy Internal Affairs Ministers Nikolai Karpenkov and Dmitry Korzyuk.
04.05 / 12:58
“We’ll Find And Destroy Them.” Deputy Interior Minister On How They Will Deal With Opposition
Opposition radicals who plan killings and kidnappings will be neutralized under the anti-terrorism laws. This was stated by Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Belarus and Commander of the Internal Troops Nikolai Karpenkov in an interview with journalist Grigory Azarenko on the STV TV channel. Nikolai Karpenkov said that he was impressed by the ONT TV film, which told about the plans of people accused of preparing a coup d’etat. He also noted t