Ebrahim Raisi - главные новости

22.06 / 10:52
нео Избранный президент Ирана поддержал ядерные переговоры, но не хочет встречи с Байденом
© Reuters. Iran's President-elect Ebrahim Raisi speaks during a news conference in Tehran, Iran June 21, 2021. Majid Asgaripour/WANA (West Asia News Agency) via REUTERS ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY.
06.11 / 11:57
Belarusian president's visit to Iran described as turning point in bilateral relations
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko and President of Iran Ebrahim Raisi during the official welcome ceremony, March 2023. File photo
26.08 / 15:00
MET Cooper Provident Iran president confirms readiness to visit Belarus
Photo courtesy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
13.03 / 14:27
Cooper Provident Raisi: Iran is ready to share experience of countering sanctions with Belarus
Iran is ready to share its experience of countering sanctions with Belarus, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi told the media following the talks with Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko in Tehran on 13 March, BelTA has learned. «Despite the threats and sanctions that are used against the Islamic Republic of Iran, we have been able to achieve high results and transform sanctions into opportunities. We are ready to share our experience with the friendly Belarus in this regard,» Ebrahim Raisi said.
13.03 / 14:27
Cooper Lukashenko highly optimistic about Belarus-Iran cooperation prospects
Belarus and Iran can advance to a new level of cooperation that will have the highest degree of efficiency, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at the extended meeting with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in Tehran on 13 March, BelTA has learned. “The experience of my communication with the former presidents of Iran and the negotiations that we have had suggest that the ongoing visit is remarkable as it will offer an opportunity to reach a new stage of our cooperation. And this cooperation will be highly efficient.
13.03 / 14:26
Cooper Provident Belarus, Iran sign roadmap of comprehensive cooperation until 2026
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko and Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi signed a roadmap of comprehensive cooperation between the countries for 2023-2026 following the talks in Tehran, BelTA has learned. During the meeting with his Iranian counterpart, Aleksandr Lukashenko assured that Minsk will do everything necessary to implement the agreements. «You can rely on us,» the head of state stressed. The roadmap provides for comprehensive cooperation between Belarus and Iran in the political, economic, consular, scientific and technological avenues and also in education, culture, art, media and tourism. The agreement on the development of the document was reached during the meeting between Aleksandr Lukashenko and Ebrahim Raisi on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in September 2021.
11.02 / 15:53
технологии деньги президент банк эфир Иранские хакеры сорвали телевизионное обращение президента Раиси
Иранская молодежь продемонстрировала, что сопротивление диктатуре аятолл не прекратилось. Сегодня президент Ирана Эбраим Раиси выступал на площади Азади (Площадь Свободы) в Тегеране по случаю 44-й годовщины Исламской революции. Иранцы, слушавшие речь президента по телевизору, не смогли досмотреть передачу до конца. Группа выступающих против клерикальной диктатуры хакеров, сумела вклиниться в трансляцию, а вместо Раиси телезрители увидели лозунг «Смерть Хаменеи».