Belarus - главные новости

10.09 / 17:30
дороги самит начальник пресс-служба Интеграцию МЦК с Киевским направлением МЖД планируется завершить в 2022 году
Работы по интеграции Московского центрального кольца (МЦК) и Киевского направления Московской железной дороги (МЖД) планируется завершить в 2022 году. Будет построена новая станция Камушки, северный вестибюль которой будет связан с остановочным пунктом Деловой центр МЦК по принципу «сухие ноги», сообщили ТАСС в четверг в пресс-службе МЖД.
06.09 / 16:30
МТС интернет life «По распоряжению госорганов». В Минске начались проблемы с мобильным интернетом
Абоненты белорусских операторов начали сообщать о проблемах с доступом в Сеть через мобильный интернет в Минске.По словам пользователей, затруднения с доступом в разных частях Минска начались около 14.30. Другие говорят, что проблемы заметили позже, в районе 14.45.
06.09 / 09:12
задержание Беларусь Линас Линкявичюс: Атака на IT-сектор — позор для властей Беларуси
Линас Линкявичюс призвал власти Беларуси незамедлительно освободить сотрудников IT-компании PandaDoc. Глава ведомства назвал в Twitter их задержание атакой на белорусский IT-сектор, охарактеризовав это как позор.The recent attacks against the Belarusian IT sector is a shame.
25.08 / 11:52
Беларусь Заместитель госсекретаря США почтил память повстанцев Калиновского
«Радыё Свабода»#DepSecBiegun pays tribute to #Belarusian hero Kastus Kalinouski/Kostas Kalinauskas and all the leaders of the uprising of 1863-1864 at the Rasos Cemetery in #Vilnius, #Lithuania. #USinLT
17.08 / 13:56
санкции политика Лидеры ЕС проведут видеоконференцию для обсуждения ситуации в Белоруссии
Евросоюз заявил, что не принимает результаты выборов в Белоруссии и начинает работу над введением новых санкций в отношении Минска.I will call a meeting of the members of the European Council this Wednesday 12h00 to discuss the situation in #BelarusThe people of Belarus have the right to decide on their future and freely elect their leaderViolence against protesters is unacceptable and cannot be allowed
15.08 / 12:28
Contest for power in Belarus depends on workers
Blames foreigners and criminals“To begin with, I’ll say that I’m still alive and I’m not abroad, contrary to what our respected opponents allege,” the Belarusian leader said at a government conference on August 14.  He said the protests were instigated by foreigners and led by hardened criminals.Earlier the same day, Belarus extradited 33 suspected terrorists arrested in Belarus on July 29 back to Russia.Although Lukašenka pinned the protests on foreigners and criminals, teachers, doctors, workers, athletes, actors, priests and state media journalists joined demonstrations against police brutality on August 13 and 14. Authorities may reckon with workersWalkouts were reported at, among others, Minsk Electrotechnical Plant, Belarusian Steel
14.08 / 22:55
технологии общество политика протестующие авиакомпания «Победа» поменяла логотип в соцсетях на цвета флага протестующих белорусов. Через час все вернули обратно
Эмблема изменилась в аккаунтах «Победы» во «ВКонтакте», в фейсбуке и инстаграме. На оригинальном логотипе авиакомпании изображены три кружочка разного оттенка голубого. В компании н
14.08 / 22:41
технологии общество политика протестующие авиакомпания «Победа» поменяла логотип в соцсетях на цвета флага протестующих в Беларуси. Через час все вернули обратно
Эмблема изменилась в аккаунтах «Победы» во «ВКонтакте», в фейсбуке и инстаграме. На оригинальном логотипе авиакомпании изображены три кружочка разного оттенка голубого. В компании н
12.08 / 10:40
интернет A1 рассказал, что будет с компенсациями абонентам из-за неработающего интернета
С 9 по 11 августа в Беларуси наблюдались проблемы с доступом в интернет как по фиксированной, так и мобильной связи. Ранее мы спрашивали у операторов, собираются ли они каким-либо образом компенсировать абонентам время «простоя». Вот что они ответили.Приводим комментарий, который нам предоставили в пресс-службе компании:В связи со сложностями с доступом к некоторым сервисам через мобильный и фиксированный интернет по независящим от компании причинам, руководством А1 принято решение о проведении корректировок абонентских плат абонентам мобильной связи, а также клиентам домашнего интернета и телевидения — физическим и юридическим лицам — за трое суток в период с 9 августа по 11 августа включительно, в соответствии со следующим
10.08 / 20:24
Власти Беларуси пытаются заблокировать Twitter
#Belarus in reaction to protests contesting the election result. #KeepItOnInternet shutdowns are hugely harmful. They fundamentally violate basic human rights & the principles of the #OpenInternet.
05.08 / 13:26
Lukašenka: Attempt at organizing massacre in Minsk is evident
It is evident that there is an attempt at “organizing a massacre in downtown Minsk” in the run-up to the presidential election, Aliaksandr Lukašenka said Tuesday in his address to the nation and the National Assembly.The Belarusian leader accused no one directly of the “massacre” plot, but said that “modern information weapons” were being used to manipulate people's conscious and subconscious mind for the purpose of pitting them against each other and provoking them into criminal offenses.Social media are being widely used for spreading shameless lies and slinging mud, Mr. Lukašenka noted.According to him, he is a tolerant man, likes the pluralism of opinions and will accept any choice of the nation in the presidential election.
30.07 / 16:29
Сюжет дня Лукашенко обещают Майдан и белорусский Крым
История с задержанием российских бойцов ЧВК в Белоруссии – демонстративный акт предательства со стороны Александра Лукашенко. Об этом в своем блоге пишет известный российский военкор Дмитрий Стешин.
18.06 / 09:08
политика UNICEF Office in Belarus announces a vacancy!
Administrative Assistant, GS5 — Minsk, Belarus #102885, Open to nationals of Belarus only!The Administrative Assistant is accountable for procedural and some specialized communications, operational and administrative support services.
13.06 / 11:16
Lukašenka says he ordered inquiry into Belgazprombank
Aliaksandr Lukašenka revealed Friday that a total of 15 people had been arrested in the Belgazprombank case opened by the State Control Committee`s Department for Financial Investigations under his order.“Frankly speaking, I don’t know the details yet,” Mr. Lukašenka told reporters during his visit to Polack, Viciebsk region.
15.10 / 17:31
общество Транспорт Электричку Москва – Можайск отменят с 27 октября
График электричек Белорусского направления Московской железной дороги (МЖД) откорректируют 27 октября из-за перехода стран Европы на зимнее время.
09.10 / 07:08
происшествия жилье СОЧИ Застройщик из Сочи пойдет под суд за незаконное возведение дома у моря
КРАСНОДАР, 8 окт - РИА Новости. Застройщик из Сочи пойдёт под суд за возведение без разрешения многоквартирного дома на берегу Черного моря, он продал квартиры на 370 миллионов рублей, а дома теперь идут под снос, сообщает прокуратура Краснодарского края.
24.09 / 16:51
история общество политика Delfi (Литва): тайны истории Вильнюса
80 лет тому назад Вильнюс официально стал белорусским городом. 18 сентября 1939 года в процессе нападения нацистского Третьего Рейха и СССР на Польшу в город вошли войска Красной армии. Вильнюсский район вместе с центром административно включили в состав Белорусской советской социалистической республики, чтобы через три недели отдать его Литве.
29.08 / 08:45
александрлукашенко Болтон подтвердил поездку в Белоруссию
Информацию о поездке подтвердил сам Болтон. Сообщение об этом он разместил в Twitter.
13.08 / 03:01
Belarus' foreign exchange reserves reach record high
Belarus' foreign exchange reserves have reached a record high. According to the press service of the National Bank, they amounted to $8.6 billion (in equivalent) on August 1.
12.08 / 21:50
Excise duties alone make Belarus lose $50 million annually
In 2017, revenues from excise duties on imported motor fuel from Russia amounted to 169.3 million BYN.
12.08 / 18:26
Belarus' domestic violence toll at 55 deaths in first 6 months of 2019
This year, 55 people have died at the hands of family aggressors in Belarus. Statistics on domestic crimes for January-July 2019 have been made public by the Interior Ministry.
12.08 / 14:20
In love of Belarus? Austrian citizen violates border
The border quards spotted the man who was going from Poland to Belarus. When stopped, the Austrian said that he did not want to remain in his own country and intended to stay in Belarus. He was in possession of a change of clothes, a phone and a tablet, a knife, wire cutters, a hacksaw and a telescopic sight.
10.08 / 01:28
Unflagging Protest: Belarus's Opposition Inspired By A Pensioner And Her Outlawed Banner
The 2006 photograph transformed Nina Bahinskaya, now a pensioner and great-grandmother, into a celebrity of sorts among activists — an endangered species in Belarus, ruled since 1994 by President Alyaksandr Lukashenka, who tolerates little dissent in the nation of some 9.5 million. «Today, some may laugh at it, some may dismiss it, and some may not pay any attention at all.
10.08 / 01:25
Lukashenka expands visa-free zone
The relevant decree was signed by Alyaksandr Lukashenka on August 7. The period of stay in the visa-free zone available for foreign tourists has been increased to 15 days (it concerns citizens of 73 countries). In addition, it will be possible to enter through two additional checkpoints on the state border.
09.08 / 19:47
The State of the Union: Belarus, Russia and the virtual state
Both Belarusian and Russian rhetorical commitment to the Union State has looked odd ever since the 2015 formation of the Eurasian Economic Union supplied a parallel framework for economic and, if desired, political integration. Despite this, the Union State continues to generate flurries of activity in both states’ bureaucracies.
09.08 / 17:08
Belarusian swimmer Aliaksandra Herasimenia announces retirement
Her best achievements were two silver medals in the 50 and 100-meter freestyle events at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, a bronze in the 50-meter freestyle event at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio.
09.08 / 16:07
100 Hecaters Chinese Village Will Be Built Near Minsk
In 2017, Minsk region and the city of Chongqing (population of 30 million people) became twin cities.
09.08 / 15:19
Wizz Air Will Start Direct Flights To Minsk Spring 2020
The news was made public by the director of the Aviation Department of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Belarus Artem Sikorsky. According to the director of the department, the aviation administration of Hungary wants to sign a corresponding memorandum with Belarus in the near future. The Budapest-Minsk flights are expected to be carried out seven days a week starting the spring...
09.08 / 10:31
Minsk, Moscow Agree On Oil Transit Tariff Hike As Compensation For Tainted Oil
Set for September 1, the tariff raise is meant to compensate for a reduction in flows mostly to Europe linked to oil contamination in April. After the contamination became known, Poland, Germany, and the Czech Republic temporarily halted imports of Russian crude oil over quality concerns. As a result, Minsk lost transit revenue. Russia is almost the sole supplier of oil and gas to Belarus and...
06.08 / 06:03
Clichés hinder bilateral relations - outgoing EU envoy
The diplomat reckons that she has managed to come to terms with the Belarusian leader. «I'm glad that I managed to organize many visits to Belarus,» she summed up. Head of the EU Delegation Andrea Wiktorin will soon have her mandate come to an end in Belarus as she arrived in our country in 2015.
06.08 / 04:27
A1 Telekom Austria Group willing to invest large funds in establishment of 5G network in Belarus, chief financial officer says
The main condition for the investment is that A1 Telekom Austria Group should get a “serious share” of the 5G frequency spectrum if it is distributed in Belarus, Mr. Mayrhofer said. Belarus has the worst 4G network in Europe by all criteria, he said, pointing to the state monopoly on the provision of 4G LTE services as the reason.
06.08 / 00:25
Olympic gold medal sold by Hryshyn to return to Belarus
«We are happy that the medal will return to Belarus,» said the executive vice-president of the auction. «It was a win-win situation for all the parties». As Euroradio reported earlier, Hryshyn sold the Vancouver 2020 Olympics gold (the first golden award of Belarus at the Winter Olympics) and bronze of the Salt Lake City 2002.
05.08 / 17:39
Rare old gospel found in Belarus
The scientists came across it during an ethnographic internship of students from the History Department at Belarus State University in the Hrodna region. The owner of the rarity is a resident of Zelva district Alyaksandr Kalyuta.
31.07 / 00:07
Economic Reforms Are Inevitable And Painful, World Bank’s Manager For Belarus
We have always believed and are still convinced that the economic future of Belarus depends on whether structural economic reforms will be carried out. Our message remains unchanged: today, structural reforms are even more important and relevant than it was in the past. The Belarusian economic model the country chose around 2003 is currently under severe stress. Belarus has consumed more than it has produced for a long time and thereby making significant progress in terms of improving the living standards of people. There are not so many ways to close the gap.
29.07 / 23:06
Russian businesses withdraw capital from Belarus - Myasnikovich
«When [Russian] parent companies withdraw part of their net profit, they do not confront with our agreements with Russian businesses, Belarusian and international laws. However, it would be desirable of profit made here is directed in the first place at the development of production and capacity, which create this profit.
29.07 / 16:30
Belarus Jumps Up 14 Places In Global Innovation Index 2019
Belarus jumped impressive 14 places to be named the 72nd most innovative country. The Global Innovation Index 2019 released on Wednesday says that despite signs of slowing economic growth, innovation continues to blossom. Switzerland was named the most innovative country in the world, a position it has held since 2011, followed by Sweden, the U.S., the Netherlands, and the U.K., Finland, Denmark, Singapore.
25.07 / 13:12
EU Will Simplify Visa Regime With Belarus Before 2 February 2020
Head of the EU Delegation to Belarus Andrea Wiktorin has described the prospects of the agreement to journalists: “I cannot comment on the exact date. However, all the documents have been prepared and both sides are conducting the required legal procedures,” BELTA quotes the diplomat as saying.
24.07 / 18:45
Oil pollution was no news even before Druzhba incident, Kommersant reports
According to the Russian media Kommersant, it was known about the pollution of Russian oil by organochlorine in Druzhba pipeline two weeks before Belneftekhim filed the relevant complaint. According to the publication, the Volgograd oil refinery of Lukoil recorded harmful impurities on April 4. This lasted until April 12. There was an appeal to the enterprise Transneft-Privolga in this case. Both Transneft and Lukoil acknowledged that there had been such a problem, but it was not related to the subsequent problems at the Druzhba pipeline. How organochlorine compounds could have got into oil was not explained. A Kommersant source claims that it's standard practice to supply oil to refineries with a slight excess of organochlorine content. On April 19, the Belarusian side reported that the Druzhba pipeline had poor quality oil (the content of organochlorine was many times higher than the permissible norm). The transit of oil to Europe via Belarus was stopped. Interestingly, Russia considered that oil was polluted on purpose (according to the investigation, it was done to conceal the theft) and initiated a criminal case. Due to the fact that the polluted oil spoils the process equipment at the refineries, Belarusians are waiting for compensation, but the exact amount of losses is still unknown.
24.07 / 14:44
Lukashenka asks to pass signal about Ukraine to EU
The governmental problem in Ukraine ‘has been more or less solved’ after the recent presidential and parliamentary elections, Lukashenka claimed. It is essential that the situation in Ukraine is stabilized and the Belarusian President is expecting Brussels to render assistance. “I am asking you to pass this
24.07 / 09:59
Flexible Stagnation: How Lukashenka Has Held On To Power For 25 Years In Belarus
And a 39-year-old former collective farm director with a deep, nasal voice and a knack for populist pronouncements won the first — and so far only — democratic presidential election in Belarus. Alyaksandr Lukashenka was sworn in on July 20, 1994, beginning the first of five presidential terms — and counting. Europe and the world have undergone startling transformations over the last quarter-century but the presence of Lukashenka has been a constant. Or has it? The wily leader of this resource-poor nation of 10 million bordering Russia, Ukraine, and three European Union and NATO countries has proven endlessly flexible in his constancy, turning his country into a textbook example of adaptive authoritarianism. To the surprise of most observers, the political neophyte Lukashenka proved from the beginning to be an adroit politician with formidable instincts. At a turbulent time he tapped a vein of conservatism in Belarus, whose citizens overwhelmingly voted against the dissolution of the Soviet Union in the 1991 referendum and have often sought stability but had to settle for stagnation. He moved quickly to lay the foundations of the authoritarian system that has become entrenched under his rule by holding a constitutional referendum in 1996 that extended his term to 2001, gave his decrees the force of law, and gave him virtually complete control over the state budget. With these powers, he quickly established personal control over all key institutions — the judiciary, election commissions, unions, law enforcement and security agencies, all major media, and so on.
23.07 / 06:30
Russia's 'dirty' oil cost Belneftakhim $800 million in lost exports
«For objective reasons, i.e. contaminated oil, we had to use oil that we extract locally to keep our refineries running.
23.07 / 06:13
Lukashenka and Putin part ways leaving idea of forced integration in air
«Today we have a program. This is more or less a strategic document. And today we have a big volume or, to put it in plain language, a heap of current problems.
23.07 / 02:19
Lukashenka seeks 'closer political dialogue with EU'
«Today there are no obstacles to closer dialogue not only on economic but also political matters. Belarus is ready for this.
22.07 / 20:28
Minsk ranks among safest cities in the world
Minsk is now on the list of the safest cities in the world. In the rating compiled by Numbeo, the Belarusian capital took the 37th place.
22.07 / 19:32
Russia closing market for Belarusian goods - Belarus envoy in Moscow
He also said that last year the trade turnover between the countries increased by 9.4%, mainly due to supplies from Russia. This year's trade volumes are slightly below last year's levels.
21.07 / 06:57
Lukashenko Calls On Putin To Resolve All Issues Ahead Of 20th Union State Anniversary
“Our Union Treaty will turn 20 this December. I believe we can’t leave any unsolved issue beyond that date. We are pressed for time. What shall we say when we celebrate the anniversary? There will be nothing for us to say if we fail to resolve all the remaining issues and don’t sign the program shaping the strategy of our joint actions,” President Lukashenko said in St. Petersburg on 18 July. “Therefore, I suggest we sort out all issues before that date within the Supreme State Council and adopt a program that will define our action strategy and resolve current problems,” he added. The Belarusian leader also pointed out that people of both countries had long been looking forward to the presidents to make specific decisions.
21.07 / 00:56
Jobs And Salaries. How Much IT Specialists In Belarus Earn?
In the second quarter of 2019, the IT sector ranked second (12.4% of the total number of vacancies), second only to sales. Programming, Development and Engineering traditionally headed the list of the most popular specializations among IT applicants and employers. Software Testing, for the first time in a long time, got into the top 5. Competition in IT is stable since the end of 2018 – 2.8 resumes for 1 vacancy. QA-engineers, Java-developers and PHP-developers became the most demanded in the 2nd quarter, as well as in the 1st quarter. Below are the most popular positions with salary analytics.